How to Move Your Elderly Parents Efficiently Out of the Houston Family Home

by | 10 August, 2022

As your parents grow older, you’ll notice that there are a lot of things they will need assistance with. In fact, they might even need help with basic things like making their bed and cooking their own food. Once this happens, it might just be easier and safer to move them out of the family home and somewhere closer to you. That way you can easily reach them in the event an emergency happens. However, the entire process of convincing your parents to move and then actually moving them is complicated, not to mention difficult.

But if you want to know how to move seniors in Houston in the least stressful way possible, keep on reading. We’ve got some tips and helpful advice for you so you can move your parents into a safer environment fast.

Tips for Relocating Your Aging Parents

The relocating process won’t be easy, but doable. The following tips should make moving your elderly parents less stressful:


Plan the move in advance

Plan ahead at least six weeks in advance, and preferably longer if your parents have a lot of belongings. Put all of your information, including your estimates and an inventory of the items you’re moving, in a binder or ledger. This might seem like a lot of work, but once you realize how easy it is to organize your information in a binder, you’ll be glad you did.


Get your parents onboard the move

Talk to your parents about all of their options, what they want from a move, and the ideal timing for the move. Don’t make the move right away; instead, give your parents time to adjust. Once you get them on board, planning the entire process will be a lot easier for everyone.

Prompt your parents about the home they will be moving in to

Your parents might not have the time and energy to visit their new home in advance, so it would be best to document everything about the home and show them beforehand. This will help acquaint them with the property so they won’t feel stressed out before the move date arrives.

Decide what things you should keep, sell, donate, or throw out

Examine your parent’s things and decide which should be donated, disposed of, or sold. As you inspect the family home, decide which things are important and which ones can be thrown away. Remember, you want the move to go as smoothly as possible, so bringing fewer belongings will make it simpler to account for them.

While these tips may be helpful, it’s still a mountain of a task to handle. Luckily, we here at Ohana Legacy Properties specialize in Senior Transition, where we take care of the entire moving process of your elderly parents. Let our caring folks over at Ohana handle the transition into an elderly home for your parents; we can take care of the downsizing, paperwork, and property management. We can also help you plan your next moves, including the sale of the houston property; Ohana Legacy is also a professional homebuyer in Houston.

Our goal at Ohana Legacy Properties is to make this process the easiest process for you. We understand how tricky it is to navigate this complicated situation, so let us handle the hard part. After all, over here at Ohana, you’re family too!

Ready to Sell Your Home?

If you’re looking for a professional home buyer and senior transition specialist in Houston, look no further than Ohana Legacy Properties! We can provide you with service,l ensuring a quick close so you can sell your property for cash as soon as possible, while making it as easy as possible for you and your elderly parents. Our process does not involve getting pre-qualified by a bank in order to obtain a mortgage loan to purchase your property or listing the property on the MLS, Zillow,, or any other listing platform. The reason our team at Ohana Legacy is able to purchase properties very quickly is because we use our own money, meaning we can close faster than traditional buyers. Get in touch with us here (832) 402-6181 and sell your home fast for cash today!