Here Are Some of the Reasons Why Your Home Isn’t Selling Fast in Houston, TX

by | 29 June, 2022

Ever asked yourself, “Why is my house not selling fast in Houston?”

Normally, selling a house isn’t a quick process. There are times, however, when this process can take longer than expected. So if your property has been sitting on the market for some time, what can you do to sell a house fast in Houston? 

While there isn’t a single solution that’s fit for every situation, we’ve gathered some of the most common reasons why your house is not selling fast in Houston, TX. 

Listing mistakes

The first thing to look out for if you can’t sell your house fast in Houston is your listing. If you don’t have a real estate agent or are working with one that is inexperienced you may have made some mistakes when listing your home. The most common mistake is taking low quality photos or having less than 15 photos on your Houston listing.

Most buyers will start looking for Houston properties to buy online. This means that your listing must be top notch if you want to attract the right buyers. 

The main thing buyers will be looking at are the photos of your Houston home, so you should definitely hire a professional photographer who can take high quality photos to show it off. You also want to have a good amount of photos so a buyer can get a good look at the home before even scheduling a visit. 

When arranging photos for the listing, make sure the first photo in the listing is the best one in your selection. This will encourage people to click the listing and read more about your Houston property. 

Lack of curb appeal

Of course, a great photo won’t help you sell your house fast in Houston if your home doesn’t even look that good from the outside. That’s why you need to boost your property’s curb appeal, or how it looks from the outside. 

Check all around the exterior for any signs of damage or parts of the roof and siding that show signs of wear. Getting these fixed will not only attract more buyers, but can also boost the market value of the property. 

You will want to make sure that all of the windows in your Houston home are in good condition. The garage door should also be in good shape. Additionally, you will want to make sure the lawn is well-maintained. This is a very important feature for potential buyers.

A poorly staged home

Another way to find out how to sell a house fast in Houston is to research proper staging. 

While your real estate agent is supposed to assist you with this, not everyone will be an expert. It is critical to properly stage your house in order to show off your Houston home’s greatest features, conceal any negative characteristics, and help the buyer imagine themselves living there.

Start by cleaning and organizing your possessions. To make moving around easier, clear any personal belongings or family photographs off the walls.


Lastly, you need to make sure you’re pricing the property right if you want to sell your house fast in Houston. Ask for too much and your home will sit for too long. Ask for too little and you’ll be leaving money on the table. 

You will have to do your homework and figure out what comparable properties in Houston sell for. This entails learning about the market and determining what similar houses in Houston are worth. 

How to sell a house fast in Houston

If speed is a big factor in the sale of your home, getting it right and selling fast by listing your home the traditional way will always be a challenge. “Then how do I sell my house fast in Houston, TX?” Easy: contact Ohana Legacy Properties, LLC

At Ohana Legacy Properties, we make selling your Houston home a breeze with a simple 3-step process. Simply get in touch with us and we’ll schedule a viewing of the property. Once we’ve taken a look at the house, we can give you a fair cash offer in as little as 72 hours. From there you get to choose the closing date. 

We put you in the driver seat of the sale so you can sell your house as fast as you like. Contact us now!