Dealing with Structural Damage for your Houston Property? Here’s A Few Fixes for You!

by | 18 August, 2022

Nobody wants to ever deal with structural damage, but it’s one of the issues that can come up as your home ages. For some homeowners, the obvious answer is to repair the issues right away. Not everybody has the luxury or the extra cash lying around to undertake such a huge problem.

If you’re dealing with a home with structural damage, here’s what you need to know.

Identify All the Issues

Some structural damage issues make their presence known right away. Think cracked walls, uneven floors, gaps in closed doors. Others, however, hide beneath the surface. A sagging roof may be hard to spot unless you’re in the right place. The same goes with a cracked chimney.

Before conduction a house repair in Houston, TX, you need to first identify all the signs of structural damage so you can address them in one go. And because structural damage is a safety concern, you’ll want to know just how badly the damage is so you can properly assess the safety of your Houston home.

Contact a Professional

Structural damage isn’t one of those kinds of home issues that you can DIY. What makes structural damage so scary is that it makes your home unsafe, and it can literally jeopardize the lives of those who live in it. This isn’t one of those times when you can cut corners by doing the repairs yourself. For structural damage issues, you need to call in the professionals.

List Your Houston Property on the Market

If the costs to repair the structural damage issues on your home is too high, you can always consider selling it as-is. Selling a house with structural damage in Houston is not impossible nor is it illegal, but you are required by law to disclose every structural issue in your home to all your potential buyers. Failure to do so can lead to legal issues and hefty fines.

If you do decide to sell your Houston home with structural damage, be prepared to slash a significant amount from your selling price. Think of it this way, whatever you would have spent on repairing the damages yourself should be the amount deducted from your asking price. This is to make it more attractive for potential buyers, since not many will be willing to purchase a home with structural damage in the first place.

Keep in mind that potential buyers will likely haggle with you on the price. So, prepared to get into a fair bit of negotiation talks as well.

Sell to a Professional Homebuyer!

Let’s be real: not everybody has the time or the money to fix foundational damage. If you’re one of those people in this exact situation, don’t fret. You can still sell your home legally without needing to do a single repair. The best part is, you can do it quickly. The answer is by selling it to a cash home buyer.

If you’re sitting there asking yourself “How do I sell my house fast in Houston, TX?” Easy: contact Ohana Legacy Properties, LLC.

At Ohana Legacy Properties, we make selling your Houston home a breeze with a simple 3-step process. Simply get in touch with us and we’ll schedule a viewing of the property. Once we’ve taken a look at the house, we can give you a fair cash offer in as little as 72 hours. From there you get to choose the closing date.

Contact a Professional Homebuyer Today in Houston!

As one of the most trusted cash home buyers in Houston, TX, Ohana Legacy Properties prides ourselves in being experts in the field of real estate in our respective operational areas. That’s because we want to make sure that we offer the best possible prices to our clients, as close to fair market value as possible.

We want to make sure that you get the most out of your Houston house, which is why we take the time and effort to research market trends and housing prices in your area. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you!