5 easy tips on moving with the elderly in Houston

by | 14 September, 2022

Moving houses is no easy feat for an adult, let alone for a senior. They have to deal with the physical demands of having to declutter, pack, and travel. You also have to factor in the emotional stress they go through as they uproot their lives. But when health issues pose a risk or financial troubles tighten the budget, moving might be the only possible option.

So how can you ensure that your seniors get to move properly and smoothly here in Houston, TX? It all boils down to communication and a whole lot of patience. They’ve taken care of you their whole lives; it’s now your turn to take care of them.

This role reversal can be tricky to navigate, but we’re here to help! Here are five easy tips on how you can move with seniors here in Houston, TX:

Assess the situation and have a candid discussion

In order to proceed with the move, you all have to put your cards on the table first. Be honest with one another so you can properly assess your needs and resources together. Here are some questions that you can use to facilitate the conversation:

  • How much care will your parents require? How can you accommodate those?
  • Will your parents downsize, relocate, enter a nursing home, or live with you?
  • Can you afford the next place? Can your parents contribute financially as retired seniors?
  • Is there any hesitation? Where is it coming from?

Get them excited

One thing that you can do to help them prepare is to reorient their mindset. Instead of thinking of it as moving away from their home, you can reframe it as a fresh start. Here are some activities that you can do to help them embrace this next chapter in their lives:


Show photos of the new property

Oftentimes, seniors are hesitant about moving because of the uncertainty they’ll face. Provide them with some security by showing photos of the place they’ll be moving to. Let them imagine themselves in their new property. Try to see if there’s a virtual tour available as well for a more immersive experience.

Look into the seniors center

Most neighborhoods and communities have seniors centers that conduct events and facilitate programs. Think of the hobbies and interests of your seniors and look for activities that they would enjoy. This would also be a great way for them to meet more people.

Be involved in their healthcare decisions

In addition to the logistics, you also have to be mindful of their physical health. Prepare to make adjustments and accommodations, especially if the move is prompted by health issues. As their caregivers, here are some of the things that you could do:


Organize the medical information of your seniors

When it comes to healthcare, everything needs to be precise and accessible. Place all of their insurance documents, contact details of their providers and pharmacies, and records in one binder or folder. Don’t forget to regularly update this as well.

Get their advance directives

In the event that your seniors are unable to make directives on their healthcare, you would need the legal documents to push through with their wishes. These are called the advance directives. Once you’ve discussed their healthcare wishes, have them in writing through the directive to physicians and the medical power of attorney.

Seek additional support

Caring for your seniors can be as taxing as a full time job. Seek outside support so that you can also take care of yourself. Consider hiring a professional caregiver or enlisting the help of your other family members. But most importantly, communicate your needs and feelings as well.

Sell to a professional home buyer!

There are a lot of things to worry about when moving with seniors, but selling your Houston, TX house fast doesn’t have to be one of them.

With Ohana Legacy Properties, LLC, you don’t have to worry about pricey commissions and repairs or tedious agents and showings. Focus all of your energy into caring for your seniors by selling your Houston, TX property to the best cash home buyer in town.

We can even give you offers that suit a budget friendly for seniors. Contact Ohana Legacy Properties, LLC and let’s get you started on that fair cash offer today!